Slow Computer



I have Windows XP. The fuse blew due to the air conditioner. I have my computer on two surge protectors. But now it is running slow. I done the disk drive check thing and it ok. I've tried to restore as far back as it will let me. I knew in Win98 I could shut down all but three running programs to get scan disk to run, but I don't know what has to stay running in XP. Please help!!. The only other thing I can think of it to reformat the hole computer but that takes forever having to back everything up and stuff.


Are you running a virus protection software? Is it up-to-date? If you go to My computer-Add/Remove Progams do you see any programs that you know you did not install? Doesn't really sound like an electricity related problem.


Run Disk Cleanup and Defrag. Run up do date virus check and Adaware. look at
Task Manager / Performance. How much resources are being used ? Do you need
more memory ? Jym

TracySmith159 said:
I have Windows XP. The fuse blew due to the air conditioner. I have my
computer on two surge protectors. But now it is running slow. I done the
disk drive check thing and it ok. I've tried to restore as far back as it
will let me. I knew in Win98 I could shut down all but three running
programs to get scan disk to run, but I don't know what has to stay running
in XP. Please help!!. The only other thing I can think of it to reformat the
hole computer but that takes forever having to back everything up and stuff.

Don MI

TracySmith159 said:
I have Windows XP. The fuse blew due to the air conditioner. I have my
computer on two surge protectors. But now it is running slow. I done the
disk drive check thing and it ok. I've tried to restore as far back as it
will let me. I knew in Win98 I could shut down all but three running
programs to get scan disk to run, but I don't know what has to stay running
in XP. Please help!!. The only other thing I can think of it to reformat the
hole computer but that takes forever having to back everything up and stuff.

Windows XP does not have scan disk.

If by "disk drive check thing" you mean drive properties, Tools tab, Error
Check or run chkdsk /f {which is the same as Error Check}, then you have
accomplished what scan disk did in Windows 98. If you mean something else,
than Start, Run chkdsk /f and the disk check will run the next time you
start Windows XP.

In addition to defrag and anti-virus checks {as has been suggested} look at
the processes that are running in Task Manager {CTRL-ALT-Delete, Processes
tab}. Look for a process that is using a lot of CPU.


Don MI

TracySmith159 said:
I know that xp don't have the scan disk, but My Disk CleanUp is what I'm
trying to run. I've done that check disk. But I still can't run my Disk
Cleanup. it starts to run and then get stuck.

Please see my other post on Disk Cleanup problems. Check the Microsoft
Knowledge Base articles I referenced.

BTW. I believe that I can usually read between the lines to determine what
a poster is actually trying to say. However, your multiple new posts and
replies have me much confused. In one your post, you appeared to be saying
you wanted directions on which application to end to run scan disk.



Don MI said:

I long since have given up even trying Disk Cleanup since if it works at
all, it takes forever. I just manually delete the same files Disk Cleanup
would. Way faster than any of the other options I've seen. (Guess this
seemed like a more natural method for me since I learned to clean up after
myself back in the days when I had to use public computers for everything.)


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