Slide Transistion When Repeating



I set up Action Buttons controlling flow for slides (eg go Home, next slide,

My Slides have many custom animation in them. The animation works fine when
you go through the slide the first time. However, if you go back a slide
using the action key, the animation does not work - slide shows or displays
last animantion that was used.

Is there a method to the action button, that when you go back a slide, the
slide is "RESET" as if it was showing all animation as if it was the first


Kathy J

PPT goes back to the end of a slide when you return to them. What you want
to do is to set up a blank slide in front of the slide you want to go to.
Give the blank slide a transition of automatically on zero seconds. Then,
link from your action button to the blank slide instead of your actual

Kathryn Jacobs, Microsoft MVP PowerPoint and OneNote
Author of Kathy Jacobs on PowerPoint - Available now from Holy Macro! Books
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I believe life is meant to be lived. But:
if we live without making a difference, it makes no difference that we lived


Kathy - thank you so much! I just spent the entire afternoon pulling my hair
out over this very issue. I finally decided to look out here and see if
anyone else had run across this problem. I wasn't even sure how to word it
(4-10 words only) to get a good selection of postings - but I lucked out.
Thanks again!

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