Size of pages wrong



I am runinng Vista on my laptop, its been fine. Had problems with my email
yesterday and isp sorted it remotly. Since then everything is too big ! any
web pay i open is large type, all the task bars and icons are big, its like
working through a microscope. Even the start menu is giant.
I have tried the the crontral qand scroll, but that is not perminent, tried
changing the screen resoloution, but to no avail.
Please help, its starting to give me a headache ! I am a thicky when it come
to tecnical things !!


My screen will jump from large to small whenever it wants. Dont know how to
stop it. Can you help?


I am having the opposite problem with Vista. My computer powered itself down,
I woke it up, it made me sign in again, then when the windows opened they
were all about half the normal size. Text in email, my documents, web pages,
everything, including the task bar and icons all are smaller. Any ideas??

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