size of excel file



i am reading data from database and saving it to excel
file. but size of the file is very huge 25 mb and when i
copy the data from excel and paste it to a new excel file
then size of the new file mearly 6 mb. what is the reason?

Ron de Bruin

Hi Satya

Excel can think that the usedrange is bigger then it is.

You can see how big your usedrange is on every sheet with CTRL-END
If the row/column is not the last row/column with data then:

1 Select the first row below your last row with data
3 Right click on the selection and choose delete

And then for the columns

1 Select the first column next to your last column with data
3 Right click on the selection and choose delete

Save the file an close it


One reason is that when you read in the database you are creating 0
byte place holders for fields in the database that contain no values.
These place holders are marked with a null value, but null values are
really not a character that is tangable. Thus when you copy and paste,
you are not copying and pasting the null values.

Another reason is that String Data is Specificly sized in a database
and that would be imported in with the data. It could be that a "NAME"
field is the size of 25 characters, but when you copy and paste the
data in that field, and the data is only "Bob" then you are gaining
space that way as well.

So, as strange as it sound that you would be losing around 75% of your
data is relative to what the data is and how it was created. Chances
are that only MS would be able to answer this question fully, but this
would make good sense exspecially if the database was not created with
a ms product.


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