size of database Access2000...plz...



helo...i want to know about something...i think u all know about much the maximum size for Microsoft Access2000 database??can
i load bitmap files about 38000..which are about 5gig??? plz... i need
an answer...plz...

thanks for any help..


a) Access MDB sucks balls. the maximum size for a single table is 1gb.
b) Access Data Projects have NO LIMITS like this.
c) why are you storing images in a database? is it COMPLETELY

Nick Coe \(UK\)

A single mdb file cannot be bigger than 2gig in A2000.

Why not just store the path and filename to each bitmap
file? That way you probably won't need to worry about file

Nick Coe (UK)

azlina typed:


Can u explain more about the storing the path in the db...How can I
store the path and how to used the path to load the images in an image
control?? because like I said, I have images about 38000 and have size
about 5GB. plz help me......


you could use Access Data Projects to store 5gb of data in a single

you would probably need to get a real license for sql server though

if you wanted to just store the path to the file; then you could use '
picture control' and then you set the form_current vba event to set the
'picture' property of this equal to the Picture_Path field.

or whatever you're going to call this stuff



Thank you the way..can u explain more about storing the path
only??..This is my coding to store the path and the images..

Option Compare Database

Private Sub cmdLoadOLE3_Click()
Dim MyFolder As String
Dim MyExt As String
Dim MyPath As String
Dim MyFile As String
Dim strCriteria As String

MyFolder = Me.SearchFolder
' Get the search path.
MyPath = MyFolder & "\" & "*." & [SearchExtension]
' Get the first file in the path containing the file extension.
MyFile = Dir(MyPath, vbNormal)
Do While Len(MyFile) <> 0
[OLEPath3] = MyFolder & "\" & MyFile
[OLEFile3].Class = [OLEClass]
[OLEFile3].OLETypeAllowed = acOLELinked
[OLEFile3].SourceDoc = [OLEPath3]
[OLEFile3].Action = acOLECreateLink
' Check for next OLE file in the folder.
MyFile = Dir
' Go to new record on form.
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdRecordsGoToNew

End Sub

I dont know where should I fix the code to make sure that it only store
the path not all the images together....If you have any solution that
related to this problem like coding especially in vb...could you inform
to me?? I really need help.......

Larry Linson

azlina said:
Can u explain more about the storing the
path in the db...How can I store the path
and how to used the path to load the images
in an image control??

Perhaps the following reference will be of help: The sample imaging
databases at illustrate three approaches to
handling images in Access, and the download includes an article discussing
considerations in choosing an approach. Two of the approaches do not use OLE
Objects and, thus, avoid the database bloat, and some other problems,
associated with images in OLE Objects.

If you are printing the images in reports, to avoid memory leakage, you
should also see MVP Stephen Lebans' is an Access97 MDB containing a report that fails during
the Access formatting process prior to being spooled to the Printer Driver.
This MDB also contains code showing how to convert the contents of the Image
control to a Bitmap file prior to printing. This helps alleviate the "Out of
Memory" error that can popup when printing image intensive reports.
because like I said, I have images about 38000
and have size about 5GB.

If you have sufficient disk storage, and store them outside the MDB (or MDE,
if using that form), I don't understand how this is pertinent.
plz help me......

You will find some good suggestions on effective use of newsgroups in the
FAQ at There are other good
suggestions at .

In particular, newsgroups are good for getting the answer to specific
questions. From the question quoted above, it is difficult to know just what
level of assistance you need... that is, I can't tell if you don't know what
a "path" is, or whether you understand any VBA, or ???

Larry Linson
Microsoft Access MVP



maybe; instead of referring to bugs in a program that is 10 years old--
you should lose the training wheels.

i've never had stability problems with storing images in an Access Data

maybe your piece of shit MDB format is obsolete?
just maybe?

maybe you should either:
a) ****ing retire you old fart
b) learn SQL Server


elo..i'm az...from kuala lumpur...i would like to ask a question about

access...i have doing a project based on access...i have done it
successfully but now the problem is size of the file...the limit for
access is only 2gb...but the file that i have to put in that database
is about 5gb..the type of file that i have to store is images(bitmap)
about 38000 images...before this,i store all the images to access...but

cannot store all the images because of the want to

store only the path for the images only...and retrieve the images that it can reduce the size of the file...the question is
HOW can i do it???anyone can help me??i have try Arvin Meyer
PictureMgr..and that is what i want...but now the problem is...if you
see in my database,i have a table called "Cardholder" for the employee
details such as Number,Name..and the tables which storing the path for
images that I have been load..for each images,they have their own
number like A10.bmp,A2.bmp...i want this images can be dislayed with
the employee detail based on the number...if the employee number is
10...the image will be A10.bmp...i have make a query called "Query1"in
this database to relate Form called "Cardholder PPass" based
on the "Query1,its work but the images cant be displayed..only the path
for the images has been displayed..can u help me to figure out how to
solve this problem?? i really need some help or any idea for this
problem...this is the link for my project..i hope you can download this
project for

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