six day loop

  • Thread starter chequer -
  • Start date

chequer -

I am trying to write an Excel program in which I want to a enter da
and time for each day.
ie. Wed to Tue, which in turn would equal
WED = (time 7:30pm) thru to the 6th. day ,(TUE = (time 7:30pm
WED = day 0 =(0 *86400)- 7:30pm
THU = day 1 = (1*86400 + day 0
FRI = day 2 = (2*86400 + days 0
thru to the 6th. day ,(TUE day 6 = (day=6*(86400+day 0
The text in A2 would be : ‘ Enter in B2, the day the clock was set
a wed, thu, or fri, etc)
The text in A3 would be: ‘ Enter in B3, the time the clock was set
7:30pm as 1930) , [ this is the clock set time
As our members know nil about computers I have entered the time of
[07:30:45am. as, 073045], [11:45:12 as 114512], and 2[:45:23pm a
I know Excel will convert hhmmss to seconds if it is entered in th
hh:mm:ss format but my way makes it easier for a novice
( I worked out the formula to do these conversions to seconds.
The clockrun goes on until the last day of the race when the clock
are checked
The time the bird’s rubber was placed in the clock is entered a
clockin day along with the clockin time
On the final day of the race, a clockcheck day and a clockcheck tim
is entered and a variation for loss or gain is calculated
(Runtoclockin/loss or gain) * clock fullru
There is also a release day and time
As some races may extend into the 5th. or 6th. day and birds do no
fly through the night the time between sunset and sunrise has to b
deducted from the birds flying time, therefore it is also necessary
to enter the sunset time and day and sunrise time and day

I’ve tried using the INDEX/MATCH functio
And the ‘NEXTWEDSAT’ progra
from your page but I’m afraid I am not bright enough to make the
I have already written program that will give the bird's velocitie
and determine the placings in races in ‘Basic’, and translated it t
‘Qbasic’ and they both work fine. but I don’t think DOS will b
around much longe

Bernie Deitrick

Send me an email, and I will send you a little spreadsheet that will do your

Fix my address by removing spaces and changing the dot to a .

MS Excel MVP

chequer -

Thanks Bernie
You asked me to send my E-mail address to you, but I don't know it..
Recently I had such a flood of 'Spam' that I was forced to change m
address and now I am adverse to displaying it on a forum
You also told me to 'fix my address by removing spaces and changin
the dot to a .
I'm not too sure how to go about this, but I'll have a go
I'm afraid I don't know much about navigating Forums

Bernie Deitrick


Don't post your address in the newsgroup: Reply to the message, and when the
reply message comes up, simple edit my email address (in the "to" box) by
taking out the spaces and changing the word dot to a period.

MS Excel MVP

Balazs -

just a quick note on emails and forums..

Anything you post via will have the poster's emai
scrambled with code that disrupts any spam bots

If you want to give out your email in the body of a post, just conver
it so only a human can read it

Instead o

(e-mail address removed)

you could write

fatboy[at]hotmail[put a dot here]co

Any spam bot will read it and won't recognize it as an email addres
because it is lacking the distinguishing "@" and "." that a strin
filter is programmed to search for when looking for addresses

However, a human reading that will understand that the real emai
address should be entered as (e-mail address removed)

You can modify your email address any way you like as long as a huma
can understand it

fat<delete me>boy@[

You get the idea

So if you need to hide your email while explicitly giving it out in
post, do the above. also, if you need to reconstruct someone'
"encrypted" email... just use common sense

Remember, the majority of spam is a result of spam bots. People don'
have the time to scour forums by hand and manually decode these emai
addresses and add them to the lists

Good luck

chequer -

I don't fully understand, but I made a printout of your reply and wil
study it
What is a 'spam bot'
If I sent my address as [dopeyat.
why couldn't anyone work it out as [[email protected]]

Myrna Larson

"Anyone" probably could, but it isn't people who are scanning messages for
addresses -- it's computers.

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