Singleton vs static

  • Thread starter Anders Eriksson
  • Start date

Anders Eriksson

I wonder what's the difference between a Singleton class and a Static class?

// Anders

Tony Johansson

Peter Duniho said:
You mean other than the obvious?

I would say that the difference most likely to be pertinent in most
scenarios is that a singleton can implement an interface. In also can
inherit a class other than System.Object, and be inherited by another
class, while a static class cannot do any of those things.


As I have learned is a singelton a normal instance class that exist in only
one copy but a static class is a class that is accessed by using the type


Arne Vajhøj

As I have learned is a singelton a normal instance class that exist in only
one copy but a static class is a class that is accessed by using the type

That is the syntax difference from the caller perspective.




That is different from why pick one over the other.


Arne Vajhøj

I wonder what's the difference between a Singleton class and a Static

I would say that the biggest difference is in what they are
intended for.

A singleton class is a real OO class that can be instantiated, but
is designed so that only one instance can exist within the

A static class is a non-OO class that is intended for
procedural programming style.

Well - it is also used for extension methods, which is OO'ish,
but that is just MS's pick of syntax for this featre.

By making your choice you send a signal to maintenance
programmers what the class is.

Besides that a singleton class can implement an interface,
which can be useful.

A singleton class can also participate in
(implementation) inheritance, but I would strongly
recommend you not to try that. It is usually a very
painful experience.


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