Single-space to Double Space



I started a long manuscript document with single-space line spacing. New
paragraphs were double-spaced by hitting return twice.

Now I need the document double-spaced but I don't want the each new
paragraph quadruple-spaced.

Also there are chapters within the document requiring special formatting.
They need to begin with the first paragraph of each chapter about 1/3
down the page with a chapter heading. Also the first paragraph of the new
chapter should not be indented.

I've been fooling around with all the formatting menus, paragraph, auto-
correct. I can't seem to get what I need.

Help, please. Thanks



Use Format>Paragraph to apply double spacing. Then use
Edit>Replace>More>Use Wildcard. In the Find field type ^13
{2} in the Replace Field type ^p then select Replace All.

Use a Heading style for your new chapters. When defining
the style set a page break before and spacing before to
meet your requirements. (Format>Style>(Select the Heading
you will use)>Modify>Paragrpah) is the sequence to get you
to the Space and Indenting/Line and Page break dialog


In the long run, what you want is to learn to use styles, which is
Word's best feature. Then for example, you could have a style that has
double space within the paragraphs, without extra space between the
paragraphs, and also, if you wanted to, have a macro that alters the
style in one step so that you could make the document single space while
keeping the desire space between paragraphs.



In the long run, what you want is to learn to use styles, which is
Word's best feature. Then for example, you could have a style that
has double space within the paragraphs, without extra space between
the paragraphs, and also, if you wanted to, have a macro that alters
the style in one step so that you could make the document single space
while keeping the desire space between paragraphs.


Thanks Larry,

I'm sure learning Word Styles is great advice. I've been fighting doing
that thinking that somehow I'd find the magic to get it "my way" without
the homework. As usual, there are no shortcuts.

BTW what book/source can you recommend for learning Styles. I find the
integral "Help" incomprehensible. And I loathe that little Bill Gates
"Help" cretin that comes out and covers the menus you need to access to
follow the on-screen instructions. Whoever dreamed that up should be
sent to the AOL Gulag or some such place:)

Thanks again. Go Yankees!!!


Most of the posters here would disagree, but I think the best way to get
an introduction to a whole area of Word such as Styles is through a
book, not through internet dicussions and brief Web articles. So find a
book on Word that you like, and work your way through the chapter on
Styles. That will probably take you so far, and then you'll need
further help. That's when the newsgroups come in handy.

Styles are quite tricky, because there are a lot of little "rules" and
oddities that can't be summed up easily, you only learn them through
trial and error. But it is well worth the effort. The experience of
being able to alter the entire appearance of a document as you want it
with a single command can't be beat.


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