I've written the following function to insert a single row
into a database. Here is the code:
public virtual int singleInsert(string tableName, params
IDbDataParameter[] values)
if(ConnectionString == "" || ConnectionString.Length == 0)
throw new InvalidOperationException("The connection
string is not set. Set the 'ConnectionString' member.");
if(values == null || values.Length == 0)
throw new ArgumentNullException("values", "The values
array was null or empty. You must pass value(s) to be
DataSet ds = new DataSet(tableName);
// returns a data-provider specific dataAdapter
IDbDataAdapter dataAdapter = GetDataAdapter(tableName,
// set the DA's insertCommand object using a
data-provider specific CommandBuilder
dataAdapter.InsertCommand = GetInsertCommand(dataAdapter);
dataAdapter.FillSchema(ds, SchemaType.Source);
DataRow newRow = ds.Tables["Table"].NewRow();
foreach(IDbDataParameter param in values)
newRow[param.ParameterName] = param.Value;
return dataAdapter.Update(ds);
A couple of questions ...
1 - How does the code look as far as scaling goes? Are
there any table locks occuring? (DataTable.NewRow()??)
2 - Any comments or suggestions on the code?
into a database. Here is the code:
public virtual int singleInsert(string tableName, params
IDbDataParameter[] values)
if(ConnectionString == "" || ConnectionString.Length == 0)
throw new InvalidOperationException("The connection
string is not set. Set the 'ConnectionString' member.");
if(values == null || values.Length == 0)
throw new ArgumentNullException("values", "The values
array was null or empty. You must pass value(s) to be
DataSet ds = new DataSet(tableName);
// returns a data-provider specific dataAdapter
IDbDataAdapter dataAdapter = GetDataAdapter(tableName,
// set the DA's insertCommand object using a
data-provider specific CommandBuilder
dataAdapter.InsertCommand = GetInsertCommand(dataAdapter);
dataAdapter.FillSchema(ds, SchemaType.Source);
DataRow newRow = ds.Tables["Table"].NewRow();
foreach(IDbDataParameter param in values)
newRow[param.ParameterName] = param.Value;
return dataAdapter.Update(ds);
A couple of questions ...
1 - How does the code look as far as scaling goes? Are
there any table locks occuring? (DataTable.NewRow()??)
2 - Any comments or suggestions on the code?