Simple Web service configuration



Howdy folks. I am trying to build a web service using the following

I have Windows 2003 Server running in VMware. I have IIS set up on it.
I installed the .NET 2.0 package on the server as well. The VMWare
server is called W2K3.

I created 2 web sites on the server. One called ResetPool, the other
called TestReset. The ResetPool site is the target of a little web
service that will force an app pool to recycle. The TestReset site is
intended as a client for the service. I assign ResetPool a port of
8001 and TestReset a port of 8002.

I have configured both web sites with Server extentions and also both
to use .NET 2.0

So to get started, I just want to test my configuration so I use some
simple projects to test with...

Now, when I go into Visual Studio, I want to create my web service.
Here is what I have done (that does not work):

I create just a default web service that has 1 method that returns
Hello World. I define a local folder for this project. I build it.
Then I tell it to publish it out to my Win 2003 server website. This
all seems to work fine from what I can tell. It talks to the server
and builds a bunch of files and folders out there.

OK, so far so good - Or so I think...Now I create a new project for the
client. I tell it a local folder on my machine. Then I go to add a
web reference to that project and it allows me to look on my local
machine, the currend project or a UDDI server. Optionally, I can
specify a URL.

So, I specify the URL of the service that I defined above:


And it gives me an error:

There was an error downloading 'http://win2k3:8001/ResetPool/'.

The request failed with the error message:

There was an error downloading 'http://win2k3:8001/ResetPool/'.

The request failed with HTTP status 403: Forbidden.

And it indicates that I need to log in to the server. Now my local ID
is defined to the admin group on that server. So I am not really sure
what to think here.

Can anyone shed some light for me?

Thanks a ton!


http://Win2k3:8001/ResetPool needs to be an IIS Application on the server.
You should be able to request the
http://Win2k3:8001/ResetPool/serviceXXX.asmx "Page" in your browser and see
the service description page (if you have that enabled) .

Additionally, if you want to run it on port 8001 then your webservice proxy
needs to
look for it on that port, not the standard http port of "80".

You are attempting to set up a very much "nonstandard" configuration for you
service and your client. If you know what you are doing, that's fine.
However, if you are just starting out, you are likely making things much more
complex than they need to be.

Co-founder, developer portal:


Hi Peter. Basically, I need to test a web service that resets a given
application pool in IIS. If you have a better way to do this (since
the XP IIS is 5.1 and will not suffice - I need to test it against a
real IIS6 box), I am all ears!

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