Simple Slope Formulation



Can you change the known X's range to Row reference of known Y's?
I am trying to eleminate columnA. Thanks

Jerry W. Lewis

There are at least two interpretations of your request:

1. You could Insert|Name|Define and define two names, "yValues" with a
formula of B1:B5, and "xValues" with a formula of =OFFSET(xValues,0,-1)
which would allow you to reference values in A1:A5 without typing the
explicit reference. Then when you change the range for yValues, the
range for xValues would ajdust automatically.

2. You could use
and then do a search and replace of B1:B5 to B13:B17 to use x values of
1,2,3,4,5 in your first case, and 13,14,15,16,17 in the second case.

Note that you could use
as a shortcut to have the x values be 1,2,3,...


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