Simple server and client application




Im newbie in Sockets, and im trying to make an application to listen from a
port, and another to send bytes to this port...

I'm using asyncronous sockets, and i have the most of the code done, but i
dont know doesnt work.

//here the server application

public class GListener

public IPEndPoint _EndPoint;
public byte[] bytesreceived=new byte[1024];

public event EventHandler OnClientConnected;
public event EventHandler OnReceiveMessage;

public void Listen(int listeningport) //comienzo a escuchar
_EndPoint =new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any,listeningport);

Socket _Socket=new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream,



_Socket.BeginAccept(new AsyncCallback(OnClientConnect),_Socket);
private void OnClientConnect(IAsyncResult ar) //recibiendo peticion de
Socket server = (Socket) ar.AsyncState; //capturamos el socket servidor

Socket client = server.EndAccept(ar); //aceptamos al cliente

AsyncCallback(OnBytesReceived),client); //preparamos la recepcion hacia el

OnClientConnected("ClientConnected",new System.EventArgs());

private void OnBytesReceived(IAsyncResult ar) //acabo de recibir los
bytes enviados por el cliente
Socket server=(Socket) ar.AsyncState;

//server.BeginReceive(bytesreceived,0,bytesreceived.Length,SocketFlags.None,new AsyncCallback(ReceiveCallBack),server);

int nbytes=server.EndReceive(ar);

System.Text.ASCIIEncoding enc =new System.Text.ASCIIEncoding();

OnReceiveMessage(enc.GetString(bytesreceived), new System.EventArgs());

//And here is the client application
public class GClient
public IPEndPoint _EndPoint;

public GClient()
// TODO: Add constructor logic here
public Socket Connect(Configuration config)
_EndPoint=new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(config.IP),config.Port);

Socket _Socket =new


return _Socket;
public void OnConnectionStablished(IAsyncResult ar) //la conexion queda
Socket _Socket=(Socket) ar.AsyncState;

_Socket.EndConnect(ar); //avisamos al socket que se completo el proceso
de conexion

public int Send(Socket _Socket,string Text)
byte[] bytedata;

System.Text.ASCIIEncoding enc=new System.Text.ASCIIEncoding();



return bytedata.Length;
public void OnBytesSent(IAsyncResult ar)
Socket _Socket=(Socket) ar.AsyncState;

int bytessent=_Socket.EndSend(ar); //avisamos al socket de que el proceso
de envio finalizo

I can connect from the client to the server but my problems come when i try
to send a message to the server.

Could you give me a hand?

Ignacio Machin \( .NET/ C# MVP \)

Hi josema,

Whooa , that is a long code , unless you run it you cannot be sure if it
does work or not.

What error are you seeing ?

Another suggestion, if you are new to socket programming IMO you should try
first a sync app, only after you have it running and understand how it works
start playing with async.

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