Simple Reminders



I need to make a simple reminder that will come up every morning when a
person opens the database. I need it to look at a querie which I already
have built, and just pop up a message box saying, that something needs to be
done no details. I just can't seem to make my brain come up with a way to do
it that works. I was thinking of using hasdata=true, but I'm not sure if it
works for a querie. Has anyone ever tried this using say a macro


ps. I have checked the forums, but everyone seems to want to link to outlook,
and I don't need to go that far

Joseph Meehan

Dustin said:
I need to make a simple reminder that will come up every morning when a
person opens the database. I need it to look at a querie which I
already have built, and just pop up a message box saying, that
something needs to be done no details. I just can't seem to make my
brain come up with a way to do it that works. I was thinking of
using hasdata=true, but I'm not sure if it works for a querie. Has
anyone ever tried this using say a macro

I have not done it, but I would guess that you could on open extract the
day (dd) from the date Date(). Then check that against a stored date and if
equal, end procedure if not, then change the stored day to today's day and
trigger your message. Of course if no one opened it up for a week it would
not know that, but if that is a problem, that could be addressed as well.


Create a macro named Autoexec. In it put command OpenQuery. Have it open a
query called MySus.
Create a table called My_Sus.
CMT – text – 255 characters
Done – text – default “N†- Validation “Y†Or “Nâ€
SusDate – datetime – default Date()+1 Sets date to tomorrow for
all suspense but is easy to edit.

The query has the fields with Date() as criteria on SusDate and “N†on Done

You can have a form to enter new items and change from Done “N†to “Yâ€.


I see where your going with the autoexec macro, and I like that part of it,
But all I want to do is open a message box that says "you have blah blah
blah" if the the select querie "WO Remind" returns a date <=Now(). I have
tried putting that condition into the macro but I get an error that says it
can't find the name of the querie. even though I selected it and the value
from the menus in expression builder


You will need to open the query.

I think you can condition on any results of the query like a field Is Not

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