Simple question on Sorting



How do I sort names? from first names to last names:

John Doe ----- sort to Doe John

Your help is very much appreciated.

Kevin B

Select all the names in the column and click DATA on the menu and select TEXT
TO COLUMN and indicate that the delimiter is a space

After the text has been split click DATA in the menu and select SORT.
Indicate the last name column as the first sort parameter and the first name
column as the second sort parameter and click OK.


In many situations it is better to put first names into one column,
last names into another column and middle names and/or initials in yet
another column. That gives you a lot more flexibility regarding
sorting, but also on reporting options. If you are interested I can
give you formulae to split your names, or you could just use Data |
Text-to-columns with <space> as delimiter and get Excel to split your
composite name for you.

Hope this helps.


Sean Timmons

If you NEED the name to be in one column, You can enter:

=RIGHT(A2,LEN(A2)-FIND(" ",A2))&", "&LEFT(A2,FIND(" ",A2)-1)

But only works if you don't have middle names or initials.

Course, the prior post is better

Ken Johnson

How do I sort names?  from first names to last names:

John Doe ----- sort to Doe John

Your help is very much appreciated.

If John Doe is in A1 then
=MID(A1,FIND(" ",A1)+1,255) &" " &LEFT(A1,FIND(" ",A1)-1)
returns Doe John

Ken Johnson

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