similar Records



I have a text field that users entry in attribute data. These attributes
change frequently and to provide a smooth flow I allow users the ability to
create the attributes. Unfortunately they don't always follow the same
convention. Luckly it is always at the end of the string, but some use
"Bottom" or "Btm" or "Btm:". Is there a way to write a query that will
recognize these as he same. I thought about a conversion list, but there are
thousands of attributes, the list would be hard to manage.


Whenever you have this sort of scenario, you know that you need another
table. This is what databases do best.
Store the available attributes in a table. Put the primary key into your
data entry table as a foreign key and put a combo box into your form so that
users can choose the value they require.

So, for instance, if attributes (whatever you mean in your database) is one
field which you have to fill in when you are buying something, then
TblAttributes would have
AttribID (Primary Key, Autonumber)
Attribute (eg Bottom, Top or whatever YOU decide a user should enter to
describe this)

your Purchase table
could contain
its own primary key then
as a foreign Key field. A combo box based on TblAttributes would allow your
users to make a suitable selection


There is a look-up table to control this. However, after ten years and many
different users similar attributes have been recorded. I'm looking for an
easy way of grouping them, rather than changing.

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