


Our company signature that automatically goes on every email, does not show
up the way I created it with certain colours and fonts. Instead it shows up
one colour and font and everytime we have to manually highlight and change
it. Is there a reason why the way I created the signature, won't "stick"?
Does it have anything to do with the Outlook font being set a certain way for
all emails?


Where is this signature created? On the local Outlook program or at the
Exchange server level? What message format is being used when this happens
or does it happen with all messages? Can you see a common denominator?


The signature was created in Outlook, in Signatures, and is set to be
automatic on every email. When I open/create "new" email - the automatic
signature is there, but not in the font/colour created. Basically, we, nor
anyone else, can figure out why it is not appearing the way it was created.

Milly Staples said:
Where is this signature created? On the local Outlook program or at the
Exchange server level? What message format is being used when this happens
or does it happen with all messages? Can you see a common denominator?

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook}
Please post all followup questions to the newsgroups only to keep the
discussion intact.

GurryWhite said:
Our company signature that automatically goes on every email, does not show
up the way I created it with certain colours and fonts. Instead it shows up
one colour and font and everytime we have to manually highlight and change
it. Is there a reason why the way I created the signature, won't "stick"?
Does it have anything to do with the Outlook font being set a certain way for
all emails?

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