Shutdown without power off



Does any know whether I can shutdown PC without shutting down the power and
have Windows pop up the old ".. ready to turn off" message. I am running XP
Embedded SP2 with ACPI multiprocessor PC hal. I have tried
ExitWindowsEx(EWX_SHUTDOWN | EWX_FORCE, 0) and it just turned the power off.
My motherboard CMOS setup doesn't have ACPI disable option.
Thank in advance!

Ethan Chen

Hi Larry,

You can try to use "Standard PC" as your HAL component. I used it to replace
"ACPI Uniprocessor PC" before in order to support AT power.

Best Regards,
Ethan Chen


Hi Ethan,

I am looking for something without changing my OS built. Like registry
change, blocking Windows BIOS calls, etc. An easier way out. Thanks anyways.

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