Shutdown errors!



Man, this is getting ridiculous...I've tried everything I could think of and asked as many people such, to get this error message out...
What happens, is this : During the shutdown process, WindowsXP, it basically displays an error message reading
"DDCMan.exe application error - service specific error
I've done an Advanced system check and it read that
"Service Control manager - IPv6 Internet Connection Firewall service was unable to find support
This may indicate that the IPv6 protocol suite is not installed or it failed to start. The data is the
error code. Service name Ip6Fwhlp (Event ID 32205
"IPv6 Internet Connection Firewall service terminated due to service specific erro
2147952447 (0x9007273F
(Event Id 7024 )
My events logs also read like this when I did a Network Diagnosis
In Modem and Network Adapter
"DNS Server Search - - faile - faile
Now my System Restore did nothing...Defragmented, again nothing...Virus scan, nothing... Everything seems intact...So what is causing this, does anyone know? My Internet Service provider doesn't figure it's them, rather a systems problem. But what does the ".....IPv6 protocol suite not installed.." mean or that " an Internet Firewall connection error..." is occuring like I don't have one installed when I do have it enabled for my LAN connection.......What could it all mean...Can anyone make sense of all I have said...If so, please let me know of all my options to stop the error log from becoming a page a day..

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