Showing pictures in Report


Caglar Tukel

I have a field called ProductImage, and I keep filenames of pictures
such as abc.jpg. I copied all the pictures to the same folder as access

When I tried to use following script. ImageFrame is unbound image object.

Private Sub Detail_Format(Cancel As Integer, FormatCount As Integer)
[ImageFrame].Picture = ProductImg
End Sub

I get "Cant open the file 'sample.jpg'. error i Also used
Me![ImageFrame].Picture = Me![ProductImg] but I got the same error.

How can I make picture showed up in reports?

Any help is highly appreciated.

Caglar Tukel

Arvin Meyer

You need the full path to the picture. If they are in the same folder as the
database, you might use something like this:

Function GetDBPath() As String
Dim strFullPath As String

strFullPath = CurrentDb.Name
GetDBPath = left$(strFullPath, Len(strFullPath) - Len(Dir$(strFullPath)))

End Function

Then you can use:

[ImageFrame].Picture = GetDBPath() & ProductImg
Arvin Meyer, MCP, MVP
Microsoft Access
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