Showing image from internet on userform


Jens Meier


in an Excel VBA program, I'd like to download a couple of images
(address determined on runtime) from the internet and have them
displayed on my userform.

I would like _not_ to download the image and export to disk it as a
file, but rather:
1) either copy it to the clipboard
2) or insert it on my Excel sheet

Is it possible to do this, perhaps with some API function?

-> I saw 2 postings on this group (dating back to 2000 / 2003, resp.)
written by Tom Ogilvy and Stratos Malasiotis. They suggest using API
functions for saving a website image directly to disk (and the functions
work for me), but I would like to have the images copied to the clipboard.

Thank you for your suggestions / ideas!

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