Showing Form



I've asked this question awhile back, but never received any response.
Can anyone provide any help on this matter...

When I have a bunch of processing to do, i.e., algorithms to run
through, plus dictate what controls on the form to be shown need to be
visible, enabled, colored, repositioned, etc... you can see some of
the controls starting to appear on the next form before the whole form
is actually shown. Is there any workaround for this?

Here's an example of a situation that I'm doing...

Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor 'Show wait cursor while list is
frmForm1.Instance().populateList() 'Function to populate list box
Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default 'Set cursor back to the default one
frmForm1.Instance().Text = "MyApp"
Me.Text = ""

This is a very small example. In some cases there is a ton of stuff
happening before a form is shown, but parts of it become visible
anyways and then the form slowly shows, it's very choppy and doesn't
look all that good to my client...any help?


You do your processing before showing the form. Means create an
instance of a form, do whatever processing you want to do and at last
show your form(i.e., call frm.Show() method). This will help you to
reduce the problem you are facing.
Till your processing is going on, you can display wait cursor


I'm already doing all of that, that's why I asked this question cause
it doesn't make sense that parts of the form are showing randomly and
all choppy...if that is the best we can do, then .NET is extremely
crappy...just my opinion.

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