Showing a progress message



I am writing a code in which I am updating several files from a main data
sheet. I just want to show a progress message which would display the file
name being processed. I tried to use the "Msgbox " statement but it would
stop to code while being displayed, where I want the message to stay on while
the code being executed.

Any help to this will be much appreciated.

RB Smissaert

This is a very simple way to show a progress in the statusbar:

Sub StatusProgressBar(lCounter As Long, _
lMax As Long, _
lInterval As Long, _
Optional strText As String)

Dim lStripes As Long

If lCounter Mod lInterval = 0 Or lCounter = lMax Then
lStripes = Round((lCounter / lMax) * 100, 0)
Application.StatusBar = strText & _
String(lStripes, "|") & _
String(100 - lStripes, ".") & "|"
End If

End Sub



One of the simpler ways would be to make use of statusbar.


Sub StatusBar_demo()
Dim i As Long
For i = 1 To 1000
Cells(i, 1).Value = i 'put
Application.StatusBar = "Your Text Here (" & i & " of 1,00)"
Next i

Application.StatusBar = False 'reset the status bar
End Sub

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