Showing a list of SQL Tables under ODBC



Hi Everyone

I'm developing a macro to query SQL databases. Currently
I require the users to type in the name of their SQL
database for the code to work. Typing errors in the name
cause the code to fail. Is there any code I can use to
bring up the Data/Get External Data/New Database Query
Dialog box? Or better yet, a list of just the SQL
databases available through ODBC.

My current code is as follows.

Sub DemoQuickTrans()

Dim strConnectionString As String

Dim strSQLDatabaseName, strSQLName, strSQLDatabase,
strLoginID, strPassword As String
Dim strSqlString, strVersion, strSUNDatabase,
strPeriodFrom, strPeriodTo As String
Dim intFindDot As Integer

'Poplulate Login Strings
strLoginID = Range("Login_ID").Value
strPassword = Range("Password").Value
strSQLDatabaseName = Range("SQL_Database_Name").Value
'was hoping for
'strSQLDatabaseName = dialog .... .show or a list of SQL

intFindDot = Application.WorksheetFunction.Find(".",
strSQLDatabaseName, 1)
strSQLName = Left(strSQLDatabaseName, intFindDot - 1)
strSQLDatabase = Mid(strSQLDatabaseName, intFindDot + 1,

'I saw somewhere on the Google search that the WSID is
not necessary, can anyone tell me what it is and if not
why not?
strConnectionString = _
"ODBC;DSN=" & strSQLDatabaseName & ";UID=" & strLoginID
& ";PWD=" & strPassword & ";SQL " & _
";WSID=" & strSQLName & ";DATABASE=" & strSQLDatabase
& ";AutoTranslate=No,"

'and so on
End Sub

Thanks in advance



Have you considered using UDL files
You can create connections using the "Microsoft OLE DB Service Component Data Links" components: this allows existing conections to be verified as well as new ones to be set up. No runtime error when the validataion fails

To experiment, create a new and empty text file and rename its extension to UDL. Double click on it from within Windows Explorer.


Hi and thanks for your suggestion

No I haven't considered udl files as I don't know
anything about them. Am reasonably familiar with using VB
to drive SQL and just need this last bit of code to make
my solution foolproof.

Did as you suggested but got an error message "File
cannot be opened. Ensure it is a valid Data Link file."

Can anyone else help?



-----Original Message-----
Have you considered using UDL files?
You can create connections using the "Microsoft OLE DB
Service Component Data Links" components: this allows
existing conections to be verified as well as new ones to
be set up. No runtime error when the validataion fails.
To experiment, create a new and empty text file and
rename its extension to UDL. Double click on it from
within Windows Explorer.


Can anyone else help?

There are a couple of issues. First, you must enumerate available

Sub test()
Dim oSqlApp As Object
Dim vntName As Variant

Set oSqlApp = CreateObject("SQLDMO.Application")

With oSqlApp
For Each vntName In .ListAvailableSQLServers
Debug.Print vntName
End With

End Sub

To enumerate each database on a server, you first have to connect to
the server i.e. you need to pass security for that server.

Assuming you can connect:

Dim oServer As Object
Dim oDatabase As Object
Set oServer = CreateObject("SQLDMO.SQLServer")
With oServer
For Each oDatabase In .Databases
Debug.Print oDatabase.Name
End With



Thank you very much for this onedaywhen

Sorry it's taken so long to come back you you I've been
out of the office for a couple of days. When I run the
first bit of code it returns "(local)" and that's it

In my SQL code I refer to the two SQL databases I have as


So expected to see the YOUR-HPBMYE9TMB bit appear, only
got "(local)" though. Any ideas?

Thank you



Matt said:
When I run the
first bit of code it returns "(local)" and that's it

In my SQL code I refer to the two SQL databases I have as


So expected to see the YOUR-HPBMYE9TMB bit appear, only
got "(local)" though. Any ideas?

OK, (local) will be the SQL Server on your local machine and I assume


you mean owner. Now try the following code. Set the reference to
SQLDMO; early binding will allow you to set a breakpoint and peruse
the many interest objects/properties (save your work first - this
hanged on!) Don't forget to change the UID and password to suit:

Sub Test2
' Early bound
' Requires reference to
' Microsoft SQLDMO Object Library

Dim qServer As SQLDMO.SQLServer
Dim qDatabase As SQLDMO.Database
Dim strServer As String
Dim strUID As String
Dim strPassword As String

strServer = "(local)"
strUID = "sa"
strPassword = ""

Set qServer = New SQLDMO.SQLServer
With qServer
.Connect strServer, strUID, strPassword
For Each qDatabase In .Databases
Debug.Print _
qDatabase.Properties("Username").Value & _
"." & qDatabase.Name
End With
Set qServer = Nothing

End Sub



Thanks onedaywhen, that's taught me a lot.
I didn't realise I could simplly call my database
dbo.SUNDB426 and leave out all the YOUR-HPBMYE9TMB stuff.
Will make my code a lot tider. My code now looks as
below. To be a bit cheeky and ask for more? Is there any
way of listing these options so that a user can select
one of them and have it land it a cell?

Regardless thank you very much indeed for all that so
far. It's solved the most important part of my problem.



Sub ListofSQLServerNames()
Dim oSqlApp As Object
Dim SQLServerNames As Variant

Dim qServer As SQLDMO.SQLServer
Dim qDatabase As SQLDMO.Database
Dim strServer As String
Dim strUID As String
Dim strPassword As String
Dim ListofSQLServerNames

Set oSqlApp = CreateObject("SQLDMO.Application")

With oSqlApp
For Each SQLServerNames In .ListAvailableSQLServers

strUID = "SUN"
strPassword = "SUNSYS"

Set qServer = New SQLDMO.SQLServer
With qServer
.Connect SQLServerNames, strUID, strPassword

On Error Resume Next 'This stops the code
failing where the STRUID / strPassword Combo in incorrect

For Each qDatabase In .Databases
ListofSQLServerNames = qDatabase.Properties
("Username").Value & _
"." & qDatabase.Name & vbCr &
End With

On Error GoTo 0
Set qServer = Nothing

End With

MsgBox "The list of SQL Server Databases that you can
access with that Login / Password " & _
"combinations is as follows: " & vbCr & vbCr &

End Sub


Thanks onedaywhen, that's taught me a lot.

Glad to hear it.
To be a bit cheeky and ask for more? Is there any
way of listing these options so that a user can select
one of them and have it land it a cell?

The are too many ways of doing this to generalize.

A sentence, instead of a Sub which builds a string, make
ListofSQLServerNames a function which returns a string array:

Public Function ListofSQLServerNames() As Variant

which you can associate the List property of a ComboBox on a userform
or worksheet e.g.

MyListbox.List = ListofSQLServerNames()

Post some more details for an in-depth answer.



Hi onedaywhen

Thanks for all your help
Did some searching and ended up with below

Thanks again



Went with :

With Selection.Validation
.Add Type:=xlValidateList,
AlertStyle:=xlValidAlertStop, Operator:= _
xlBetween, Formula1:=ListofSQLServerNames
.IgnoreBlank = True
.InCellDropdown = True
.InputTitle = ""
.ErrorTitle = ""
.InputMessage = ""
.ErrorMessage = ""
.ShowInput = True
.ShowError = True
End With

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