Show value from another workbook if data in another column equals a certain value

Feb 15, 2007
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Hello all!

I'm not sure if this is the right place for my question so please forgive me if it's not! ;)

Here's what I'm trying to do.

Book 1 contains data in columns C and D. I want the values in column D to show in book 2, but only when the corresponding value in column C equals a certain value.

The formula =INDEX(C4:F8,MATCH("projectbelast",$C$4:$C$8,0),2) almost does the trick. However I can't seem to get that to work between different workbooks.:confused:
Can anyone tell me how to do that or have an alternative solution?

I'm looking forward to your advice!

Thanx & greetz,

Feb 15, 2007
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Hi again all!

20 views and 0 replys! Come on guys! View my question as a challange!!! Anybody?????
Feb 15, 2007
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First of all Thanx for the input!
In my view =if(book1!c4=certainvalue,book1!d4,"") suggests that book 1 is simply another sheet within the same workbook. Therefore I came up with the following: =IF([book1]Sheet1!C4=certainvalue,[book1]Sheet1!D4,"")
It didn't work however. Since I'm not very experienced with the "IF" fuction, it's possible that I simply made a mistake in the formula. The result it gives me is #NAME?
In any case I realised while trying it out it that it might not work anyway since the value I'm looking for will appear only once in column C in rows 8 to 32. The thing is that it changes. For that reason I don't think I can point to a specific row.... Or can I?...

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