Show photo attachments in body of email.

  • Thread starter Thread starter nosajlb
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Outlook Express will display photo attachments under the body of the email,
even if the photo is sent as an 'attachment' and not embedded in the body

I understand that Outlook is a business application, but doesn't it make
sense to add the option to all this same functionality in Outlook 2007?

Here's an example. At my place of business we take photos with our
Blackberrys and send them via attachment (as is the only way we can with our
phones) to various people in the company.

Let's say I send 30 emails, each with a photo attachment. Those using
Outlook Express can print out those 30 emails on 30 pages, each page
containing the email body and the photo.

Those using Outlook are stuck printing 60+ pages...2 pages for each email.
One page for the body of the email and another for the attachment photo.

It seems like such a small and easy fix for Microsoft to just release a
patch for the software to allow users this option. This irritating function
has almost caused me to discourage other users from purchasing Outlook and
stick with the free Outlook Express.

This post is a suggestion for Microsoft, and Microsoft responds to the
suggestions with the most votes. To vote for this suggestion, click the "I
Agree" button in the message pane. If you do not see the button, follow this
link to open the suggestion in the Microsoft Web-based Newsreader and then
click "I Agree" in the message pane.
Outlook Express will display photo attachments under the body of the email,
even if the photo is sent as an 'attachment' and not embedded in the body

True statement.
I understand that Outlook is a business application, but doesn't it make
sense to add the option to all this same functionality in Outlook 2007?

Not to me. I want attachments to be attachments. that way I won't report to
a spammer that I've seen his message because a web bug embedded in an image is
reporting back.

If people want you to see their images in-line, then they should embed them
in-line and not include them as attachments.

Your suggestion is a bad one. I vote "no."
First of all, just because you don't agree with my suggestion doesn't make it
a bad one.

Secondly, I'm not suggesting that Microsoft change the default functionality
of Outlook, but patch the program to include the OPTION to turn this function
on if the user so desires. I shouldn't be difficult to have a dialog box pop
up if the user turns the option on stating the risks of displaying
attachments in the body of the email.

Thirdly, people aren't idiots. Some people don't know what they're doing and
sign up for random newsletters and mailing lists, get their email address
sold around the world, and end up with tons of spam coming to their mailbox.
Sure, those people need protection.

But there are also tech savvy people out there, like me, an IT guy, who
don't really have problems with spam, that use their business email solely to
communicate with their coworkers, but who do have a problem with having to
print out 60+ pages to print out only 30 emails.

I'm simply suggesting that the option be added to Outlook. In the process of
thinking that people are idiots, and adding this protection for the software
users "benefit", it seems that the Outlook team greatly reduced the
efficiency of this program by removing this very useful feature of Outlook
Express from Outlook.

Also, is it not the average home user, that receives OE or Windows Mail,
free with their home computer, that should be the ones who need protection?
And, shouldn't it be the business users who need the efficiency and ease of
use benefits built into their software?