Show open work orders on large screen in shop



I have a customer request that may sound sort of unusual. I am having
trouble coming up with words for it so that I can even do a search for
a solution! It's not that complex, but I don't know the "right words"
to search for a solution.

I am working on an Access 2KDB for a manufacturing company. One
division does onsite repair. They have multiple crews that are
dispatched to various sites to perform the repairs. Currently they use
a whiteboard to update status of the jobs. The Access DB has a "Jobs
in Work" screen that displays all of the key information that the
white board now displays.

Here's what they want to do: Buy a large flat screen TV and mount it
on the wall. Have the "Jobs in Work" display on the screen with a
continuous scroll (or a "page down" type change) so that jobs are
continuously being displayed. Like how movie credits roll on a screen,
but would then just loop and start over-- displaying, of course, any
changes in data since the last time the job was displayed.

1) Would it be possible to code something like this for Access? 2) Are
there any off-the-shelf products that do this type of data display?
I've looked at some ticker software, but I'm not seeing something that
would do this easily and affordably.


IRS Intern

yeah of course you could do something like this

do you know much about MS access?

I first learned about Access from a boss I had named ruth :)

Tony Toews [MVP]

Ruth said:
I am working on an Access 2KDB for a manufacturing company. One
division does onsite repair. They have multiple crews that are
dispatched to various sites to perform the repairs.

Just curious. How many crews approximately?
Here's what they want to do: Buy a large flat screen TV and mount it
on the wall. Have the "Jobs in Work" display on the screen with a
continuous scroll (or a "page down" type change) so that jobs are
continuously being displayed. Like how movie credits roll on a screen,
but would then just loop and start over-- displaying, of course, any
changes in data since the last time the job was displayed.

1) Would it be possible to code something like this for Access?

Yes, you can use recordset clone to move the record pointer from one record to
another. Then when you do a requery on the form Access will move that record to the
top record on the form.

Tony Toews, Microsoft Access MVP
Please respond only in the newsgroups so that others can
read the entire thread of messages.
Microsoft Access Links, Hints, Tips & Accounting Systems at
Tony's Microsoft Access Blog -


IRS Intern, she must have been a great boss! ;-D I'd say my skill
level is "advanced" using the Access interface and "peasant/plebe/
pretender" when it comes to code. I can be tenacious when copying and
modifying sample code and can usually get things to run in a pinch,
but as a rule, I don't create code. If it's mission critical/gotta do
it that way, I hire someone to do it for me.

Tony, there are minimum 30 crews, up to 50 or so.


P.S. Sorry about the double post. Darn back button!

Tony Toews [MVP]

Ruth said:
Tony, there are minimum 30 crews, up to 50 or so.

Ok, so why not create a form which has two columns on it. One for the first 25 or 30
and the other for the last. Hmm, I'd have to think about the best way to get the
query for the second half of the folks.

Then do a requery of that form every minute or so.
P.S. Sorry about the double post. Darn back button!

No double post here.

Tony Toews, Microsoft Access MVP
Please respond only in the newsgroups so that others can
read the entire thread of messages.
Microsoft Access Links, Hints, Tips & Accounting Systems at
Tony's Microsoft Access Blog -


Hi Tony,
I'm afraid there is too much information to go with a two-column
setup. Here's what I've come up with but I've got something wrong with
the syntax on my code.

I copied the "InWork" form and renamed it "FrmScrollInWork". I set a
Timer Event on the form to move to the next record every 3 seconds (I
can increase the delay if it's moving too fast). I just realized I'm
going to need something to loop back to the first record, but I think
this should work:

Private Sub Form_Timer()
DoCmd.GoToRecord ([FrmScrollInWork], [Record As
End Sub

The error I'm getting is "Compile Error: Expected: ="

Any suggestions on correcting my code, the wisdom or foolishness of
trying it this way, or how to loop back to the first record when it
reaches the end will be greatly appreciated!


Tom Wickerath MDB

I would reccomend finding someone that knows how to use a database, instead
of relying on hear-say from these Access dorks

go and find a SQL Server developer and ask them how they'd do this

Access MDB is no longer reccomended as a database

'69 Camaro

Everyone please note that Aaron is attempting to impersonate one of
our regular posters again. Tom would never post such a message.


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Tom Wickerath MDB said:
I would reccomend finding someone that knows how to use a database, instead
of relying on hear-say from these Access dorks

go and find a SQL Server developer and ask them how they'd do this

Access MDB is no longer reccomended as a database

Ruth said:
Hi Tony,
I'm afraid there is too much information to go with a two-column
setup. Here's what I've come up with but I've got something wrong with
the syntax on my code.

I copied the "InWork" form and renamed it "FrmScrollInWork". I set a
Timer Event on the form to move to the next record every 3 seconds (I
can increase the delay if it's moving too fast). I just realized I'm
going to need something to loop back to the first record, but I think
this should work:

Private Sub Form_Timer()
DoCmd.GoToRecord ([FrmScrollInWork], [Record As
End Sub

The error I'm getting is "Compile Error: Expected: ="

Any suggestions on correcting my code, the wisdom or foolishness of
trying it this way, or how to loop back to the first record when it
reaches the end will be greatly appreciated!



Thanks, Gunny. I recognized "the imposter" from the content of his
message. Like he thinks anyone even pays any attention to what he
says... lol!

I got my "next record" code worked out (like I said, I'm a total plebe
with code, but I'm tenacious!) and it works like a charm! Now all I
need help with is the command to loop it back to the first record when
it reaches the end. Surely one of you pros can help me with that!



Hi Tony (or anyone else reading this)!

I've come up with the following code that I've attached to the form.

Private Sub Form_Timer()
DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNext
On Error GoTo Err_StartOver

DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acFirst

End Sub

The first part works perfectly moving from record to record until it
reaches the end and you get the error message (Can't go to Next). I
put in the On Error statement with a Go to First record command. It
doesn't generate any errors, but doesn't move off the first record. I
get a "screen flash" (like a refresh) every few seconds (the timer is
set to move at 1 second intervals), but no movement to the next
record. Reading through some resources, it sounds like an "endless
loop" is a common problem. Why can't I get one when I want one???


Ideas anyone?

Tony Toews [MVP]

Ruth said:
I've come up with the following code that I've attached to the form.

Private Sub Form_Timer()
DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNext
On Error GoTo Err_StartOver

DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acFirst

End Sub

The first part works perfectly moving from record to record until it
reaches the end and you get the error message (Can't go to Next). I
put in the On Error statement with a Go to First record command. It
doesn't generate any errors, but doesn't move off the first record. I
get a "screen flash" (like a refresh) every few seconds (the timer is
set to move at 1 second intervals), but no movement to the next
record. Reading through some resources, it sounds like an "endless
loop" is a common problem. Why can't I get one when I want one???

1) The following is what your code should look like.

Private Sub Form_Timer()
On Error GoTo Err_StartOver

DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNext
Exist sub


DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acFirst

End Sub

If the above doesn't solve your problem then I'd suggest handling the specific error
and then figuring out what else is happening.

Put a stop in just after Err_StartOver: and get the err.number by using the immediate
window. Ctrl+G and ?err.number.

Then change the code as per the following

Private Sub Form_Timer()
On Error GoTo Err_StartOver

DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNext
Exist sub


Select case err.number
case 9999 ' Insure the err.number you just looked up
DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acFirst
case else
msgbox err.description
end select

End Sub

There might by syntax errors.

Tony Toews, Microsoft Access MVP
Please respond only in the newsgroups so that others can
read the entire thread of messages.
Microsoft Access Links, Hints, Tips & Accounting Systems at
Tony's Microsoft Access Blog -


Thanks much, Tony. I'll try that as soon as I can. Unfortunately, my
DB has gone really buggy and I'm I'm troubleshooting other areas. I'll
post my finished product when I get it working.

Thanks for your help on this!

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