Show Full Menus



How do you show full menus in internet explorer? I've searched all the
options and help menus but I am coming up dry - It's is really starting to
drive me nuts when I can't see what I want on the menu in one click, or in
the case of my favorites - forget that I already added a site that wasn't
showing... Thanks!

Ted Zieglar

Tools > Internet Options > Advanced tab > remove the checkmark from
Enable Personalized Favorites Menu.

Like we're supposed to know what "Personalized Favorites Menu" means ;-)


Thank You - I've been poking around this for months - And, since I thought
that setting had something to do with "My Favorites" and I use "My Favorites"
extensively; I never thought "disabling" it would have anything to do with
showing full menus...

A better name would have been something like "enable collapsible menus" or
"disable full menus" then I would have tried it...

I did note that the menus attempted to "guess" at what they thought I wanted
to see, showing my recent picks - I guess that's what they mean by
"personalized favorites"...

personal gripe - I HATE when software tries to guess at what I am going to
type and / or attempts to correct when I intentionally mispell a word for
example. Sure it's cool at first - but really annoying after a while...

Thanks again!


This has been bugging me also for months. I figures out how to do it in MS
Office several years ago by poking around awhile in the customize and options
menus and finding the SHow Fiull Menus checkbox. I tried the same thing in
IE7. You'd think 2 Microsoft programs would implement the same feature the
same way, wouldn't you? Besides the behavior I wanted to change was broader
than my favorites menu - I wanted IE to show full menus always for all menus.
It never occurred to me to look under favorites. It's not even
cross-referenced in the on-line help. Anyway, thanks for the help and thanks
for the opportunity to vent.

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