show different text in cell based on range of #s in other cell



I am trying to show a different text string in a cell based on a range of
numbers in another cell.

C25 can display a range of numbers from 0 thru 150. I need cell A26 to
display text if the numbers fall within a certain range:

# displayed in cell (C25) text displayed in (A26)
0-9 "Use Good ADM/CRM
10-15 "Notify Dispatch/Manager"
16-20 "Manager Approval Req."

I am new to VBA (learn as I go) so keep it as simple as you can, please.

Dave Peterson

How about a formula:

=IF(c25<10,"Use Good ADM/CRM",IF(c25<16,"Notify Dispatch/Manager",
IF(c25<21,"Manager Approval Req.","CANCEL MISSION")))

Or if C25 can be empty:

=if(c25="","",IF(c25<10,"Use Good ADM/CRM",
IF(c25<16,"Notify Dispatch/Manager",
IF(c25<21,"Manager Approval Req.","CANCEL MISSION"))))

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