Show Calendar on date field


Imran Ghani

Hi! its nice to be amongst the company of so many capable programmers. I want
to show calendars in place of my start and end dates, and to pick the start
and end date from them when a user selects its values. Kindly guide me about
how to show calendar values on th date fields, and also about how to get
values from them in date fields for calculations. Thanks in advance.

Allen Browne

If you have Access 2007, it will show a little pop-up calendar beside any
text box that's bound to a Date/Time field (unless you turn it off.)

If you have an earlier version, here's a little Access form you can copy
into your database and use as a popup calendar:

Allen Browne

If you have Access 2007, it will show a little pop-up calendar beside any
text box that's bound to a Date/Time field (unless you turn it off.)

If you have an earlier version, here's a little Access form you can copy
into your database and use as a popup calendar:

Imran Ghani

Thanks for your kind advise. Can I also show the calendar as an open form in
place of my date text box in static view? So that User may pick values from
it, and it may save the values for further use.

Imran Ghani

Thanks for your kind advise. Can I also show the calendar as an open form in
place of my date text box in static view? So that User may pick values from
it, and it may save the values for further use.

Allen Browne

You could use a subform for this purpose. Hide the text box on the main
form, and pass the name of that text box to the popup calendar.

Haven't tested, but it should work.

Allen Browne

You could use a subform for this purpose. Hide the text box on the main
form, and pass the name of that text box to the popup calendar.

Haven't tested, but it should work.

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