Should I restore?



Thanks for reading this. I have Xp Pro. I used the backup utility to make a
back up of my C drive where I have all my programs to an external drive. I
got a virus and a dang starware redirect for IE that I can't get rid of. In
the process of trying to clean up, my soundblaster drivers and programs
somehow got corrupted. I've been trying to clean up and reinstall, but it's
not going so well. Should I just restore the backup? Will that solve my
problem or cause more? Do I need to reformat (gasp!) before restoring or do I
just click and let it fly? Obviously, I've never restored before :) But I've
messed up a lot of things and somehow fixed them..haha. Please advise.

Jon Erlandson

No need to reformat :) or restore at this point, in fact, depending on your
backup method you may have spyware or viruses there also. Follow the
instructions on "how to get rid of viruses and spyware" then download and
install SpywareGuard for future protection (you'll want to pay attention to
the information for HijackThis to rid yourself of the browser hijack.)

How to get rid of viruses and spyware

Browser Hijacking



How antivirus software and System Restore work together;en-us;831829


Thanks so much. I have tried to get rid of the spyware. I have my log on
HijackThis (they are swamped - such wonderful people for helping out!!!)

I have messed up my drivers for my soundblaster. I'm almost ready to deal
with the spyware again just to get my drivers back.

If I restore just what will it restore? Everything? Help....

thanks, Dana

Jon Erlandson

Rather than use using your backups or "System Restore" to correct your
driver problem simply remove it in "device manager," reboot and let windows
reinstall or use "CTZAPXX.EXE" utility found in your soundblaster
installation CD to remove and reinstall the drivers (see your SoundBlaster
User Guide.) It's best however to get rid of the spyware first or you might
re-run the problem. Also, you can post your HijackThis log here and see if
someone can help.

Troubleshooting Device Manager Issues in WIn XP

System Restore

System Restore for Windows XP


Dana said:
Thanks for reading this. I have Xp Pro. I used the backup utility to make
back up of my C drive where I have all my programs to an external drive. I
got a virus and a dang starware redirect for IE that I can't get rid of.
the process of trying to clean up, my soundblaster drivers and programs
somehow got corrupted. I've been trying to clean up and reinstall, but
not going so well. Should I just restore the backup? Will that solve my
problem or cause more? Do I need to reformat (gasp!) before restoring or
do I
just click and let it fly? Obviously, I've never restored before :) But
messed up a lot of things and somehow fixed them..haha. Please advise.

Depending on which utility you used to backup your system, it would be
advisable to just restore. Most quality restore utilities will format your
drive before the restore.


Jon said:
Rather than use using your backups or "System Restore" to correct your
driver problem simply remove it in "device manager," reboot and let windows
reinstall or use "CTZAPXX.EXE" utility found in your soundblaster
installation CD to remove and reinstall the drivers (see your SoundBlaster
User Guide.) It's best however to get rid of the spyware first or you might
re-run the problem. Also, you can post your HijackThis log here and see if
someone can help.

HiJackThis logs shouldn't be posted here. There are other places better
suited for it and this group will get overloaded if it happens here.

Jon Erlandson

HijackThis is a free tool that helps diagnose Windows problems. So what if
the board becomes overloaded :) all HijackThis forums are and it might help
Microsoft become more responsive to the problem.


Jon said:
HijackThis is a free tool that helps diagnose Windows problems. So what if
the board becomes overloaded :) all HijackThis forums are and it might help
Microsoft become more responsive to the problem.

You're not serious when you write this, are you? It's not MS that would
get hurt it's the users that come in here. It has been the accepted
practice in here not to post HiJackThis logs. And the experts for this
reside elsewhere, on the forums specifically for it, and there are many.

Jon Erlandson

No, I really am serious.

Spyware and viruses are most likely the leading cause for windows system
related deaths :) Maybe they should open up


Jon said:
No, I really am serious.

Spyware and viruses are most likely the leading cause for windows system
related deaths :) Maybe they should open up

The point is they are not an XP operationg system issue that belongs
here. Please don't suggest to folks to post their HijackThis logs in
this forum.

Jon Erlandson

Rock said:
The point is they are not an XP operationg system issue that belongs here.
Please don't suggest to folks to post their HijackThis logs in this forum.

I caught your drift a long time age... now bugger off :)

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