Should I move?



Should I move my 2.0 C# apps to 3.0/3.5? Any real advantages? Any
2.0 code should be converted to 3.0/3.5?

How 3.0/3.5 new features works on practice?

Many thanks!

Eliyahu Goldin

Definitely, new features work great and they are many!

Just check first if you can upgrade your production environment.


The new ListView control is enough to move to 3.5 but there is so much more
such as ADO.NET Data Services which IMO is going to put .NET applications so
far ahead of the PHP make believe "productivity" lies that they will not
even be able to compare what they develop with what is done using .NET.

IMO in 1-2 years from now .NET developers will be building and deploying
complete applications so robust and scalable while the PHP and LAMP camp
weenies are still trying to spell HTML that few customers will even pay
attention to their "its free because its open-source" bullshit story.

Now if Microsoft can repair the damage recently done to MSDN with its FUBAR
framesets and clean up their reputation for repeatedly releasing the worst
software program in the history of computer science (IE) the world will be
much better off as all things considered IMO things are going rather well
with the latter two exceptions of course.

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