Shortened filenames in shell\...\command subkey

  • Thread starter Michael A. Covington
  • Start date

Michael A. Covington

I'm trying to rig a way to run LaTeX on a .tex file when the user
right-clicks and chooses it. So far, I have the following subkey defined:

cmd.exe /c latex "%1" && pause

The problem is, the argument file names are getting shortened (made
DOS-compatible). This doesn't keep LaTeX from opening the right file, but
it does keep LaTeX from generating the right (un-shortened) file names on
the files that it outputs.

If I change the command to:

latex "%1"

(without involving cmd.exe), the same thing occurs.

The following works properly:

"c:\texmf\miktex\bin\latex.exe" "%1"

However, it doesn't give me a way to pause after running LaTeX, so it's not
entirely satisfactory.

What determines whether filenames get shortened when executing the
shell\...\command subkey?

Michael A. Covington

This one is so weird that I am documenting it here, for the sake of

In a command subkey, apparently,

argument filenames are shortened (made DOS-compatible) if you don't give the
full path for the initial command.


cmd.exe /c latex "%1" && pause

shortens the filename in %1, but

c:\windows\system32\cmd.exe /c latex "%1" && pause

does not.

Now then. Some machines use c:\windows and some use c:\winnt, so I don't
want to hard-code the path.

But I can't use %SystemRoot% or %windir% in a command subkey (even though
%ProgramFiles% is OK -- go figure!).

My solution was to write an .inf file rather than a .reg file. In .inf
files there's a variable (I seem to recall it's %11%) which is c:\windows or
c:\winnt as appropriate.

Michael A. Covington

This one is so weird that I am documenting it here, for the sake of

In a command subkey, apparently,

argument filenames are shortened (made DOS-compatible) if you don't give the
full path for the initial command.


cmd.exe /c latex "%1" && pause

shortens the filename in %1, but

c:\windows\system32\cmd.exe /c latex "%1" && pause

does not.

Now then. Some machines use c:\windows and some use c:\winnt, so I don't
want to hard-code the path.

But I can't use %SystemRoot% or %windir% in a command subkey (even though
%ProgramFiles% is OK -- go figure!).

My solution was to write an .inf file rather than a .reg file. In .inf
files there's a variable (I seem to recall it's %11%) which is c:\windows or
c:\winnt as appropriate.

Michael A. Covington

But I can't use %SystemRoot% or %windir% in a command subkey (even though
%ProgramFiles% is OK -- go figure!).

On further scrutiny I find that environment variables are OK in keys of type
REG_EXPAND_SZ (expandable string) but not REG_SZ (string).

If I had known that earlier I might have been spared an exciting

Michael A. Covington

But I can't use %SystemRoot% or %windir% in a command subkey (even though
%ProgramFiles% is OK -- go figure!).

On further scrutiny I find that environment variables are OK in keys of type
REG_EXPAND_SZ (expandable string) but not REG_SZ (string).

If I had known that earlier I might have been spared an exciting

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