shortcut target problem



i am trying to place a simple shorcut to a program on the
desktop but when i create the shortcut then go to the
properties in target i guess windows wants to put EXE at
the end.

for example i want this:
target: C:/NeverwinterNights/NWN/nwnx2.exe -module mymod
this target should work fine and would except when i try
to apply it says the target is invalid and makes it look
like this: "C:/NeverwinterNights/NWN/nwnx2.exe -module
mymod EXE" see what it did?? it put "quotes" around it
and added the EXE at the end and wants to accept that as
valid! well that is not going to work and don't lol. i
need it to be like the first target i am trying to put in.

i have searched the internet over and over and cannot
find a soultion to this problem. can anyone out there
please help? thank you

PS i even made a batch file with that target and it won't
even run cause it say that the target is invalid and i
assure you it is not invalid.

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