Shortcut:??? No Line Breaks in Cell



Oh my gosh, so I have made a excel document containing about 140 row
for a ecrater bulklister.

The point of the bulklister is so I can list all of my items o
eCrater(free ebay) without having to do it one by one.

The problem is that in my Items Description I have included line break
so the listing will look organized.

My bulklister has been rejected because of these line breaks.

Is there a short cut to get rid of my line breaks so I don't have to d
it manually

Dave Peterson

Select the range to fix
what: ctrl-j
with: (spacebar)
replace all

ctrl-j is the same as the alt-enter (or alt-0010 from the numeric keypad).


Ok I understand the instructions but I get an error when I "replac

In the "Replace With" field, I just pressed spacebar to insert a space

This is the message that is displayed after trying to replace the whol

"Microsoft Excel cannot find matching data to replace. No cell in th
selection contains what you typed, or no records match the criteria."


Your the man, Thanks. Looks like this should be the solution.

I imagine that the html text <br> is what is causing the hold up.

Thanks again,

Dave Peterson

You may be able to use Edit|Replace to change the character--Some characters can
be entered by holding the alt-key and typing the hex number on the numeric
keypad. For example, alt-0010 (or ctrl-j) can be used for linefeeds. But I've
never been able to get alt-0013 to work for carriage returns.

Another alternative is to fix it via a formula:

=substitute(a1,char(##)," ")

Replace ## with the ASCII value you see in Chip's addin.

Or you could use a macro (after using Chip's CellView addin):

Option Explicit
Sub cleanEmUp()

Dim myBadChars As Variant
Dim myGoodChars As Variant
Dim iCtr As Long

myBadChars = Array(Chr(##), Chr(##)) '<--What showed up in CellView?

myGoodChars = Array(" ","") '<--what's the new character, "" for nothing?

If UBound(myGoodChars) <> UBound(myBadChars) Then
MsgBox "Design error!"
Exit Sub
End If

For iCtr = LBound(myBadChars) To UBound(myBadChars)
ActiveSheet.Cells.Replace What:=myBadChars(iCtr), _
Replacement:=myGoodChars(iCtr), _
LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, _
Next iCtr

End Sub

If you're new to macros, you may want to read David McRitchie's intro at:

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