shortcut key required...


Anil showreddy

hi can u give me a shortcut key for

1) To moving a worksheet from one book to another or in the same book
2) To increasing or decreasing fnt size in the cell.

thank you....

Gary''s Student

Enter the following macros:

Sub grow()
For Each r In Selection
r.Font.Size = r.Font.Size + 1
End Sub

Sub shrink()
For Each r In Selection
r.Font.Size = r.Font.Size - 1
End Sub

The assign CNTRL-e to one and CNTRL-f to the other.

CNTRL-e and CNTRL-f will increase/decrease the font size of the selected

Anil showreddy

Mr. gary,

its excellent.... thankyou ...

can you give me for another one also....?

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