Shortcut Key for Explorer Bar | Folders?



Is there a keyboard shortcut in Windows Explorer to view "Folders" in
the Explorer Bar? This would be comparable to clicking the "Folders"
button on the "Standard Buttons" Toolbar, or going to the "View"
pull-down menu, then "Explorer Bar," then "Folders."



Thanks for your reply. That's a great shortcut, but that always goes to
"My Computer." I wonder if there's a shortcut that's comparable to
clicking the "Folders" button, no matter which folder is already being

Thanks again for replying.

Will Denny


Try the following in the Target: box for the Windows Explorer shortcut:

%windir%\EXPLORER.EXE /e,c:


Thank you very much for your reply. However, as I stated, I'm wondering
whether there's a keyboard shortcut for this, not just a shortcut.

Also, similarly to my reply to Greg Palmer's post, your suggestion would
always go to C:\, but I wonder if there's a shortcut that's comparable
to clicking the "Folders" button no matter which folder is already being

Thanks again for your reply, though.

Will Denny


The only keyboard shortcut is Winkey + E, but that can't be amended to open
anywhere else in Windows Explorer.


Create the shortcut on your desktop. Right click on it and goo
properties. You can assign any shortcut key you want in the "Shortcut
key:" field. Note that the shortcut must remain on the desktop for this
to work.


Thank you Will and nospam for your replies.

To nospam: Your suggestion is a really good idea, but it applies to
different situations. It would always go to a certain folder: the one
specified in the shortcut - "My Computer" or C:\, for example.

Clicking the "Folders" button still shows the folder currently being
viewed, whether it's "My Computer," C:\, "My Documents,"
D:\folderx\subfolder12\pictures, or whatever.


I had misunderstood your first post. Am I right in thinking that you have
opened my computer and are browsing folders. At this point you would like to
have the folder view change to the Explorer style?

If so there is no keyboard shortcut. The only thing I can think of would be
for you to download some Macro software. You could then record the keystrokes
needed to change the view and assign that macro a keyboard shortcut.

A 3rd alternative but probably too long winded would be to press Alt then V
then E then O.


Thanks for your reply. Yes, you do get the basic idea, but one could
have opened "My Documents," "My Music," or a shortcut to any other
folder as well as opening "My Computer."

A different type of situation is this: Many people have Explorer set to
"Restore previous folder windows at logon" (under "Tools" | "Folder
Options" | "View" tab). With that option, a user could be viewing
basically any folder on the computer and have it still there the next
time Windows starts - except that then task links are shown in the
Explorer Bar instead of Folders, Search, History, etc.

Thanks again for replying, and for your tips and suggestions.

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