Short / long date format bug?


Bill Ridgeway

The computer is set to use the long date format and everything is OK until I
make changes to a chart which causes all dates in all open worksheets to be
displayed in the short date format. When excel is closed down and restarted
the problem is resolved - but doing this is annoying.

I can't see if this a known fault or if it has been introduced through a

Does anyone know anything about this strange behaviour please?


Bill Ridgeway

Bill Ridgeway

Since posting this I haven't had one response. I can't believe I'm the only
user experiencing this problem. Every time I make a change to a chart *all*
dates in all open worksheets change from the (configured) long date (4 digit
year) to a short date format (2 digit year). If it isn't a bug just what
may be causing this problem please.


Bill Ridgeway

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