Short Cut


Larry Mauriello

I am trying to see if there is a way to get the desktop icon to show w/o the
wording *Shortcut To*.
I thought there was a setting someplace, but can't find it. Can someone
point me in the right direction?


Larry Mauriello said:
I am trying to see if there is a way to get the desktop icon
to show w/o the
wording *Shortcut To*.
I thought there was a setting someplace, but can't find it.
Can someone
point me in the right direction?

Here are a couple of options.

1. Courtesy of Kelly Theriot, MS-MVP
Line 209, left hand column, Remove "Shortcut to ..." Prefix on

2. You can also download, install, and run TweakUI from

Microsoft PowerToys for Windows XP

Direct Download of TweakUI

Once the program is installed, go to Start -> All Programs ->
Powertoys for Windows XP -> TweakUI.
Click on Explorer in the left hand column.
In the Settings box in the right hand pane, scroll down the
list till you get to Prefix "Shortcut to" on new shortcuts.
Remove the check mark from the box next to this entry.
Click OK.

Keep in mind that you may have to log off and back on for the
change in settings to take place.

Good luck



Larry Mauriello said:
I am trying to see if there is a way to get the desktop icon to show w/o the
wording *Shortcut To*.
I thought there was a setting someplace, but can't find it. Can someone
point me in the right direction?

Do NOT do the following if you don't have authority or experience to use
regedit. You are about to modify the registry. If you mess up, you'll have to
re-install Windows and lose everything. With that said, let's begin. :)

Go to START. Go to RUN. Type REGEDIT
Once the Registry Editor starts, go to
HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT --> piffile --> EditFlags
modify EditFlags to 0000 00 00 00 00
NOTE: This is ZEROES not uppercase letter 'O'

Close Registry Editor, you're done!


Black Wolf Standing said:
Larry Mauriello said:
I am trying to see if there is a way to get the desktop icon to show w/o the
wording *Shortcut To*.
I thought there was a setting someplace, but can't find it. Can someone
point me in the right direction?

Do NOT do the following if you don't have authority or experience to use
regedit. You are about to modify the registry. If you mess up, you'll have to
re-install Windows and lose everything. With that said, let's begin. :)

[Insert foot in mouth - chew carefully!]

Close Registry Editor, you're done!

This is what happens when 10 people are trying to talk to you while you're
typing. You make mistakes. I goofed. Do NOT do this. It won't accomplish much
besides wasting time. Sorry, I appollogize.

Is there a delete option where I can delete or edit a bad message?

Larry Mauriello

Ok ok, I guess I should have said I DO have Tweak UI. I just couldn't find
the option.
And NO David changing the name is not a big deal. It was just I knew there
was a way
around it. That was why I asked. I have another util. prog. that I was able
to find that option in.
Thanks all.

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