Sharing Monitor/Keyboard/Mouse with Remote Desktop PC's



Can 2 or more PC's be set up on a KVM switch so that remote users
can use them with Remote Desktop, or does each sharing PC need to
have it's own Monitor/Keyboard/Mouse?

We don't have a lot of space and need to give access to a few remote
users to PC's in our building.



Sooner Al [MVP]

You can run a PC headless so to speak and just use a KVM switch if you need
to use a local monitor, mouse and keyboard. On the headless PC make sure you
setup the BIOS so the PC will not stop on an error when booting. Go into the
BIOS on the PC and look for an option along the lines of "When booting not
Stop on error/Stop on all errors/don't stop on error/stop on error with

If the PC has a LAN card and your running XP Pro then you can use Remote
Desktop to connect to it using the local static LAN IP address. If the PC is
running XP Home look at using UltraVNC...


Al Jarvi (MS-MVP Windows Networking)

Please post *ALL* questions and replies to the news group for the
mutual benefit of all of us...
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