Sharing Files between XP and Windows 2000 Server



Can anyone help me?
I have a home network set up running windows 2000 server and professional.
I connected a new pc, running xp to the network and everything seemed fine.
It picked up an ip address and connected to the internet strainght away.

Using the xp machine I tried to access shared files on windows 2000 server
and found they weren't avaialable.

All the other client pc's(all w2k) could access the files ok.
I was logged on with administrator rights.

Can anyone tell me why i was unable to access these shared files.
Is it due to the fact that XP is a later version and will not be detected by older versions of windows?
if so how do get around this???

David Robbins

169 said:
Can anyone help me?
I have a home network set up running windows 2000 server and professional.
I connected a new pc, running xp to the network and everything seemed fine.
It picked up an ip address and connected to the internet strainght away.

Using the xp machine I tried to access shared files on windows 2000 server
and found they weren't avaialable.

All the other client pc's(all w2k) could access the files ok.
I was logged on with administrator rights.

Can anyone tell me why i was unable to access these shared files.
Is it due to the fact that XP is a later version and will not be detected by older versions of windows?
if so how do get around this???

too many questions left... what do you mean 'weren't available'?? are you
set up as a domain or workgroup? from the xp machine could you browse and
see the server machine? could you see the shared folders? could you see
the files but not open them?? just how far do you get and what error
messages do you get if any??


As I explained , all w2k clients can access files.
I have a workgroup, running w2k server w2kpro (x2) and XP pro.
within my network places the w2kpro pc's have access to the w2kserver and vice versa.No problem.
But when i connect my XP machine to the network it doesn't appear in My Networlk Places on any of the w2k machines, pro or server.
I am able to connect to internet via xp ok.
I am unable to view shared files through my network places.
There is no error message ....XP just isn't present...
any clearer?
Is this a Netbios issue?
I'm about to run the network set up wizard on xp and give it the same
No firewalls are active.No anti-virus software either.
any other ideas?

David Robbins

169 said:
As I explained , all w2k clients can access files.
I have a workgroup, running w2k server w2kpro (x2) and XP pro.
within my network places the w2kpro pc's have access to the w2kserver and vice versa.No problem.
But when i connect my XP machine to the network it doesn't appear in My
Networlk Places on any of the w2k machines, pro or server.
I am able to connect to internet via xp ok.
I am unable to view shared files through my network places.
There is no error message ....XP just isn't present...
any clearer?
Is this a Netbios issue?
I'm about to run the network set up wizard on xp and give it the same
No firewalls are active.No anti-virus software either.
any other ideas?

could be netbios. check the setting on the advanced tcpip settings/ wins
tab. the default setting works here to let xp see and be seen by win2k, but
i am running dhcp off my router because i don't have a real server. you may
have to manually turn it on there.

you can try to do a search from the win2k machine for the xp machine name
and see if it finds it that way.


yes all machines have internet sure it's a netbios issue...any other ideas pls get back to me


im going to check the netbios ...i'll leave a post when i've got it working..i've tried the joy



winXP has a built in firewall, before testing make sure it is not enabled.
I would try to ping the other computers since this dose not rely on any name
resolution. If you cannot ping then there is a TCP\IP configuration problem.
If you can ping the other computers then try net view
( sub the ip of the W2K server) and see if it lists the shares. If you can
ping but cannot net view then there might be a problem with the RPC service.
If net view works, then go another step and click start and in the run box
\\servername\sharename (where servername is the name of the W2K server and
sharename is the name of a folder share). If this works then it is a
problem with the Browser Service, which is what lists the computers and
shares in Network NHood.


Are you running XP Home Edition? Does your Win2K network
have a domain controller? If so, that's the problem. XP
Home cannot authenticate to a domain. Please give us a few
more details.


As i explained all computers can access interent via w2k server.
I've also mentioned,No Firewalls are active (especially the built in XP !!!!)
I can Ping all ip addresses ok, hence i can connect to interent via any of my pc's.
I'm sure it's a netbios issue.
I'll have a look tonight and post any results


well all the settings seemed ok, but no joy....i re-installed xp while the pc was connected to network and voila....shared files appeared in my network places...shared my xp files and they were accessible via all w2k pc's....

problem solve


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