Sharing calendar issues



I once was sharing my calendar online but I now am no longer able to share
it. I keep getting an error saying it can't connect to the server. I have
tried the various help issues such as checking modem connection, making sure
I am on the correct account, creating a new calendar to share, etc. and so
far all I have managed to do is get rid of the shared calendar account in the
my accounts window of the tools menu. I keep getting a can't connect to the
server error now when I try to publish my calendar to office online. Any
thoughts on how to resolve this issue? I would like to blow out calendar
that may be on office online that I shared previously and re set it to the
one I have now.


I am new to publishing calendars online but have come across the same
problem. Have followed all the Outlook & Windows Online help instructions
but I simply cannot upload my calendar. Error message: "...upload of
[calendar name] failed. Server returned an error'. Tried even the
suggestion from the blog on this site 9/9/06 'Failed to publish calendar'
where Dr Mark had success with the suggestion given but that has not worked
for me either.

Could someone please assist?.

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

You need to post this to an Office Online forum. It is not an Outlook issue if you can't publish to Office Online. See if they have FAQs that answer this problem as well.

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact.

After furious head scratching, John asked:

| I once was sharing my calendar online but I now am no longer able to
| share it. I keep getting an error saying it can't connect to the
| server. I have tried the various help issues such as checking modem
| connection, making sure I am on the correct account, creating a new
| calendar to share, etc. and so far all I have managed to do is get
| rid of the shared calendar account in the my accounts window of the
| tools menu. I keep getting a can't connect to the server error now
| when I try to publish my calendar to office online. Any thoughts on
| how to resolve this issue? I would like to blow out calendar that
| may be on office online that I shared previously and re set it to the
| one I have now.

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