sharing a class between CF and non-CF projects


Capital O

I want to define my domain object classes (Customers, Orders, etc.) in
an assembly to use in Compact Framework as well as ASP.NET and Windows
Forms components. I don't want to duplicate validation logic, property
definitions, etc. I'm considering using XPO (ORM) or something
similar, and there are different references I need to use if I'm in one
world or the other.

Has anyone out there successfully straddled the CF and non-CF worlds
this way? In C++, eVC, etc., you could use pre-compiler directives to
include or exclude source files based on pre-compiler constants. Does
Visual Studio 2005 have something like this? Is there a sneaky little
trick I could use?


Ilya Tumanov [MS]

If you compile your business classes for NETCF and do not use NETCF specific
stuff, you could use very same binaries on desktop.

Alternatively you could use conditional compilation.

Best regards,


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