Shared memory for .NET ?


Bart Simpson

I want to create a data repository in memory so that different processes
can share the same data, rather than loading the data multiple times for
each process and then having to contend with synchronisation issues.

Is there any library out there that will allow shared memory for
inter-process communicating in .Net?

Better still, is there a library that allows distributed shared memory
in .Net ?

Google is not bringing up anything useful ...

Chris R. Timmons

I want to create a data repository in memory so that different
processes can share the same data, rather than loading the data
multiple times for each process and then having to contend with
synchronisation issues.

Is there any library out there that will allow shared memory for
inter-process communicating in .Net?

Better still, is there a library that allows distributed shared
memory in .Net ?

Google is not bringing up anything useful ...


Search for CreateFileMapping or MapViewOfFile in the
microsoft.public.dotnet.* newsgroups. This might also be of

Chris Mullins

Bart Simpson said:
Is there any library out there that will allow shared memory for
inter-process communicating in .Net?

Hi Bart,

Mr. Burns had a research program going a while back that was investigating
the radioactivity of memory mapped files and their impact upon his
up-and-coming team, the Springfield Isotopes. While this was an older
project (being fission based, not fusion), one of his hotshot engineer wrote
a MemoryMappedFileSteam class just so the Springfield Isotopes were able to
compete against the other big league teams.

Fortunatly the Memory Mapped File infrastructure was built to work with all
of Mr. Burns's teams, so long as they're all playing together within the
same reactor. When one of these teams is outside the reactor though, they're
tempreature cools down rapidly and no more radioactivity is possible (this
was originally a fission experiment, and cold fusion was just a pipe dream,

Mr. Burn's version of this tool can be found insdie the old Caching
Application Block.

Not to be outdone (and Waylon bet him a bakers gross donuts he couldn't do
it), Homer went ahead and took this a few steps futher. To Everyone's
surprise (especially Maggie and Marge), his end result turned out quite
well. So well, in fact, your sister used it at the Science Fair to beat out
Burns's entry. Lisa's project can be found here:
Better still, is there a library that allows distributed shared memory in
.Net ?

Only in ErLang and Java. Nothing yet in .Net - at least not that I've seen.


What's your environment? serverside, client side (win/web) ?

There are several solutions for this, for server side u can use "Shared
Property Manager" in case of sharing simple types, for web apps u need to use
Cache or stateServer for this reason

BTW, there is a sample of wrapping API MMF for .net

Bart Simpson said:
I want to create a data repository in memory so that different processes
can share the same data, rather than loading the data multiple times for
each process and then having to contend with synchronisation issues.

Is there any library out there that will allow shared memory for
inter-process communicating in .Net?

Better still, is there a library that allows distributed shared memory
in .Net ?
Michael Nemtsev :: blog:

"At times one remains faithful to a cause only because its opponents do not
cease to be insipid." (c) Friedrich Nietzsche

Bart Simpson

Chris said:
Hi Bart,

Mr. Burns had a research program going a while back that was investigating
the radioactivity of memory mapped files and their impact upon his
up-and-coming team, the Springfield Isotopes. While this was an older
project (being fission based, not fusion), one of his hotshot engineer wrote
a MemoryMappedFileSteam class just so the Springfield Isotopes were able to
compete against the other big league teams.

Fortunatly the Memory Mapped File infrastructure was built to work with all
of Mr. Burns's teams, so long as they're all playing together within the
same reactor. When one of these teams is outside the reactor though, they're
tempreature cools down rapidly and no more radioactivity is possible (this
was originally a fission experiment, and cold fusion was just a pipe dream,

Mr. Burn's version of this tool can be found insdie the old Caching
Application Block.

Not to be outdone (and Waylon bet him a bakers gross donuts he couldn't do
it), Homer went ahead and took this a few steps futher. To Everyone's
surprise (especially Maggie and Marge), his end result turned out quite
well. So well, in fact, your sister used it at the Science Fair to beat out
Burns's entry. Lisa's project can be found here:

Only in ErLang and Java. Nothing yet in .Net - at least not that I've seen.

Thanks 'Millhouse' - that's why you're my 'bestest' friend ! :)

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