Shape error


Herbert Seidenberg

Here is a modified version of Andy Pope's Line_Direction.xls VBA
program at
Sub pointer()
Dim angle As Integer
Dim Start As Double
Dim ArrowHead As Shape
Set ArrowHead = Sheets("data").Shapes("arrow2")
For angle = 0 To 180 Step 10
With ArrowHead
.LockAspectRatio = msoFalse
.Left = 72
.Top = 210
.Rotation = angle
.Height = 0.3 * (angle + 50)
.Width = 0.3 * (1.5 * (angle + 50))
End With
Start = Timer
Do While Timer < Start + 0.2
Next angle
End Sub

It works as expected, but when I uncomment the Sheets...Paste line,
I get the error message:
Method 'Height' of object 'Shape' failed.
If I comment out Height/Width, ...Paste works as expected.
How can I get Height/Width and Paste to work together?

Andy Pope

Hi Herbert,

I can't recreate you problem so can you email your workbook and I will
have a look.


Herbert Seidenberg

Thanks Andy,
Copying from the chart to the point worked much better than copying
from the worksheet to the point.

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