Shadow Text problem



I'm using FP-xp and wants to do Shadow text but my Shadow Settings Windows
has no effect on my high-lighted text. How I could make text shadow? TIA


Thomas A. Rowe

You need to do this in a image/graphic application.

Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
WEBMASTER Resources(tm)

FrontPage Resources, WebCircle, MS KB Quick Links, etc.

Cowboy \(Gregory A. Beamer\) [MVP]

I am no longer using FP-XP, so some of the means have changed. One of the
other MVPs may correct me here, but the problem I see is the FP highlight
does not use CSS, while the normal shadow text is either layers (DHTML) or
CSS. The problem here is the highlight is applied to the text layer, while
CSS and DHTML use a lower layer for the shadow text. In other words, the
shadow is there, but hidden under the highlight. Remove the highlight and it
should show up.

But, you want the highlight. This means you are going to have to code in a
shadow using either DHTML or CSS and not using the highlighter in FrontPage.
As long as there are two competing systems, you will never see the Shadow
with your highlight.

Gregory A. Beamer

Think outside the box!
I'm using FP-xp and wants to do Shadow text but my Shadow Settings Windows
has no effect on my high-lighted text. How I could make text shadow? TIA


Thomas A. Rowe

When you use WordArt, the text is being displayed as a VML Graphic which is not supported outside of
IE browsers. If you want everyone to see this effect, it is best to create a image with this effect
in a graphics application.

As far as I can tell, you can not apply a shadow to text, unless you are working with WordArt.;en-us;291249&Product=fp2002

Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
WEBMASTER Resources(tm)

FrontPage Resources, WebCircle, MS KB Quick Links, etc.

Hi Greg & Tom R.,
Thanks for answering my post. Because Shadow Settings in my FP-xp and there must be way to
use it right. I've tried my WordArt feature and it worked beautifully. Thanks also to Tom, his
suggestion is good but it take much time to do it.
I'm sorry Greg --- because I used the words "high lighted" and you thought I'm planning to
highlight my title words and also plan to make Shadow text. I really mean: I must first make high
lighted or selected those words to be make Shadow text, then I click Nudge Shadow Left or Right from
the Shadow Settings windows. I've tried clicking all those selection and including Shadow On/Off and
Shadow Color --- all selection has no visible effect and those buttons always stayed grayed in

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