Shading between lines chart type.


Kevin Burton

Currently I have consturcted a chart that shows a line for each column. The
chart has a median column, upper 80% column, upper 95% column, lower 80%
column, and a lower 95% column. This works just fine using


Now I would like a line showing the median, with shading up to the upper 80%
and down to the lower 80% of one color, and shading from median to upper 95%
and down to lower 95% another color. Since the upper 95% is always greater
than upper 80% the shading showing the 95% levels would only show up between
the 80% and 95% levels. The xl3DStacked type almost gets me there but the 3D
takes up too much room and there seems to be multiple colors that I don't
want. xlLineStacked seems to change the display of the data in a way that I
am unfamiliar with. Maybe "stacked" assumes that the columns are deltas. I
don't know. Any suggestions for getting the chart look that I described?
Simply put I want to be able to shade between lines. Alternatively if I had
more control over the stock type of chart where I could specify multiple
levels of the bar variance rather than just a high low etc.

Thank you.

Kevin Burton

Maybe this isn't the right forum. I originally went to the VSTO forum but
they directed me here.

But I am having a hard time translating the Excel instructions into code. I
have the code:


ws.get_Range(((Excel.Range)ws.Cells[baseRow + 2, baseColumn + 1]),
((Excel.Range)ws.Cells[baseRow + projectedSalesList.Count + 2, baseColumn +
wb.missing).Name = tableName;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tableFormat))
ws.ListObjects[tableName].TableStyle = tableFormat;
ws.ListObjects[tableName].TableStyle = "TableStyleLight1";
catch (Exception ex)
// Try to remove the previous chart
const string chartName = "ProjectedSalesDetailChart";
Excel.ChartObject chartObject = ws.ChartObjects(chartName)
as Excel.ChartObject;
if (chartObject != null)
catch (Exception)
// Eat the exception
// The chart probably doesn't exist
Excel.Shape shape =
ws.Shapes.AddChart(Excel.XlChartType.xlLine, wb.missing, wb.missing,
wb.missing, wb.missing);
shape.Name = chartName;
Excel.Chart chart = shape.Chart;
if (chart != null)

chart.SetSourceData(ws.ListObjects.get_Item(tableName).Range, wb.missing);
Excel.XlAxisGroup.xlPrimary)).TickLabelPosition =
chart.HasTitle = true;
chart.ChartTitle.Text = heading;
chart.ChartArea.Width = chart.ChartArea.Width * 3;
chart.ChartArea.Height = chart.ChartArea.Height * 3;
chart.ApplyLayout(3, wb.missing);
catch (Exception ex)

So if I follow the instructions right I want to create a combination chart.
Which one of the steps above defines a series and a type? It seems that I
want to create a normal line series and on the same chart I want to create an
area series on the delta on the same chart. Let me get that far. Thank you.


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