"Setup cannot copy" errors on 832894 IE update



We've had a problem with "Setup cannot copy the file [filename]" errors on the last three or four cumulative IE updates, including the 832894 update for MS04-004. It doesn't happen on all workstations, and even if you try it multiple times with a single workstation the error will occur intermittently. Has anybody else experienced this

We're running Windows 2000 SP4 with IE 5.5 SP2. We use an in-house C++ application to handle patch deployment that is run when the user logs on to the network, checking the registry for the presence of various patches, and spawning the executable for the patch if it has not previously been installed

The "Setup cannot copy" errors initially were only for the ieuninst.exe and dummy.cat files and they happened rarely, and we had instructed our users to just continue without copying this file, since these files weren't actually part of the patch. With the latest patch, the error has involved the browseui.dll file, which is an essential part of the update, and it is happening quite frequently. The error indicates that it is looking for the files in the c:\winnt\temp\ixp000.tmp folder, and if you look in this folder during the install, you can see that it has expanded all of the other files except for the one that the error is reporting

Any thoughts? Thanks


Jesse Mohrland [MSFT]

Are there any common attributes to these workstations? Amount of memory,
processor speed, operating system, network cards, domain structure?

How are you spawning setup? What switches are you using? How are you
launching your application? (Startup, HKLM runonce, HKCU runounce, SMS logon

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Scott said:
We've had a problem with "Setup cannot copy the file [filename]" errors on
the last three or four cumulative IE updates, including the 832894 update
for MS04-004. It doesn't happen on all workstations, and even if you try it
multiple times with a single workstation the error will occur
intermittently. Has anybody else experienced this?
We're running Windows 2000 SP4 with IE 5.5 SP2. We use an in-house C++
application to handle patch deployment that is run when the user logs on to
the network, checking the registry for the presence of various patches, and
spawning the executable for the patch if it has not previously been
The "Setup cannot copy" errors initially were only for the ieuninst.exe
and dummy.cat files and they happened rarely, and we had instructed our
users to just continue without copying this file, since these files weren't
actually part of the patch. With the latest patch, the error has involved
the browseui.dll file, which is an essential part of the update, and it is
happening quite frequently. The error indicates that it is looking for the
files in the c:\winnt\temp\ixp000.tmp folder, and if you look in this folder
during the install, you can see that it has expanded all of the other files
except for the one that the error is reporting.

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