Settings Wipe Off



Have a Compaq desktop running XP Pro. The machine froze up and had to
manually reboot. When t started up, it came up with the initial Win XP setup
screen where you need to specify computer name and so on and finally asking
whether I want to register the product online (with MS). After going through
all this, none of my old shortcuts seem to work. They all say that the
programs needs to be reinstalled. I am able to see my docs and some
favorites; nothing else is working. MS Outlook shrtcut also says the program
need to be reinstalled.

Any help would be highly appreciated

Rick \Nutcase\ Rogers


Sounds like you invoked the system recovery software included by Compaq. At
this point you have little choice but to reinstall your programs. What you
have done, accidentally, is effectively created a new installation.

Best of Luck,

Rick Rogers, aka "Nutcase" - Microsoft MVP

Associate Expert - WindowsXP Expert Zone

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