Setting up temporary home network




I purchased a new computer - OS is Win XP Media Center. That's my primary.
Older computer has Win XP. That's my secondary. I just need to copy files
from secondary to primary. I was told I could do this with a crossover
cable. Secondary is all set. On primary, however, I get the message:
MShome (network name) is not accessible. You might not have permission to
use this network resource. Contact Admin of this server to find out if you
have access permissions. The list of servers for this workgroup is not
currently available.

I do not log in to the primary. Why would I need persmission? What I
thought would be simple -- seems not to be. Can someone assist me.





I have a similar problem.

I have 3 computers on the network. I got a new coputer with Windows XP. I
used the wizard to set up the network. Somehow I got the same error message
as Angela when I tried to view the computers in the same workgroup.

When I went to another computer, I could see this new computer, but when I
tried to click on it, I got an error saying it's not accessible.

I check the EZLAN site but it didn't help.

I have Norton Systemworks with Internet security installed.

Please help because I have no idea why it doesn't have permission to access
to the same workgroup. The windows firewall is off.



I finally figured it out. It's Norton Internet Security. After I turned it
off, I was able to access the network and can see all the other computers.

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