setting up input box, and column row calls



Hello all.
I have made an auto fill macro that I have multiple cell inputs.
It's essentially a 3 row, 6 column set.
I've made two input boxes.
the first is for the row placement, and the second is for the column
I would like to use this for the input of each cell's data.
My attempt however has not worked. It gets hung up with what I'm thinking is
the way I've stated the range values to start.

Dim Nu as integer
Nu = inputbox (prompt,title) 'row
Dim Nu1 as integer
Nu1 = inputbox(prompt, title) 'column
Range("Nu & Nu1:(Nu & Nu1)+6 & Nu1").Select

While I'm certain that I did this wrong, I'm unable to identify the way I
should state it. Any ideas on how this should be stated?
Thank you.

Per Jessen


I think it's this what you is looking for:

Range(Cells(Nu, Nu1), Cells(Nu + 6, Nu1)).Select


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